Apr 2, 2009

Monika's Doggie Rescue Needs Your Help!

G'day Dog Lovers,

Many of you will have heard about Monika's Doggie Rescue in Sydney - they've rescued over 8,500 dogs from death row. But, sadly, with the global financial crisis, Doggie Rescue has fallen upon hard times. They need as much help as they can get in order to keep going.

From their media release:
DoggieRescue has been struggling with dwindling funds and more than 200 mouths to feed. “The rise in dogs left to die at the pounds and the economic downturn has left me no choice but to close our shelter”. Says Monika, founder of DoggieRescue. “We have weathered all sorts of storms and battled on for the past 18 years but this time I cannot see a way out. There goes almost 2 decades of my life and work as well as hours and hours of supportive volunteer effort. I can’t bear to think what will happen to all our babies and all those just waiting to come here.”

Total dogs killed in NSW has risen from 56,531 to 63,651, a figure that doesn’t
include greyhounds. That is an 11% increase in 12 months!

DoggieRescue is getting more calls from people wanting to offload their dogs. “It is so depressing and heart-wrenching. Added to this, the condition the dogs are coming in from the pound is worse than ever.” says Monika. “One of today’s pound dogs, Periwinkle a little Maltese came in weighing only 3.7kg and has more fleas than skin! It looked like pepper had been sprinkled all over his body.”

DoggieRescue currently has a No-Kill shelter at Ingleside, located on the northern beaches. “It is the best location we have ever had. We have put so much into making it as comfortable as possible for our kiddies. It is like a playground for them. It has taken me a lifetime to get there and now to think we have to let it go is just unbearable.”

DoggieRescue.com is a registered charity with tax deductibility status and has relied on dog lovers to keep its doors open. It receives no government funding and has a strict No Kill philosophy. To date DoggieRescue has saved some 8,500 dogs from death row from council pounds around Sydney. DoggieRescue currently has a shelter at Ingleside as well as many dogs in foster care all over Sydney. To help DoggieRescue keep going call 9486 3133 or visit
www.DoggieRescue.com.au today.

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